

Discussion Questions
We'll add specific questions if and when they're made available by the publisher. In the meantime, use our LitLovers talking points to help start a discussion...then take off on your own:

1. Why did Emma leave England for the U.S.? What did she want to escape from, and what did she hope to find across the pond?

2. Emma achieves success in the financial world. What, however, is lacking in her life? Why does she want a change?

3. Once she begins to build her new business in Westport, Emma comes to know her clients quite well, perhaps better than they know themselves. How might a designer come to learn about a person's inner life? What do our homes reflect about any of us? About you, for instance?

4. Is the relationship between Emma and Dominic realistic? Do you feel the chemistry between the two? Talk about the numerous obstacles the couple has to overcome.

5. What about Jesse? Does Jane Gre.en do a good job of portraying a six-year-old boy? Talk about his complicated feelings regarding Emma...and hers regarding him.

6. How do the two sets of parents differ from one another, especially in their responses to Emma and Dominic?

7. Talk about the different kinds of love found in Falling. What exactly is the meaning of the "love is kindness" mantra (it comes up three times in the course of the book)? What about family—what makes a family?

8. Does this book engage you? Which characters do you find more compelling than others? If you've read other books by Green, does this live up to, fall short of, or surpass her other novels?

9. How does socioeconomic class come into play in this novel?

10. Were you expecting the final twist? How did you feel by the ending?

(Questions by LitLovers. Please feel free to use them, online or off, with attribution. Thanks.)

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