

Author Bio
Birth—ca 1987 ?
Where—Bangalore, India
Education—B.A., Lawrence University; M.F.A., Iowa Writer's Workshop
Awards—Pushcart Prize

Madhuri Vijay was born and raised in Bangalore, India. She is a graduate of Lawrence University in Appleton, Wisconsin, where she majored in English and psychology. Nearly ready to accept her admission to a psych graduate program at the Northwestern University, she changed her mind and attended the Iowa Writers’ Workshop, where she was an Iowa Arts Fellow and a recipient of the Henfield Prize.

Vijay’s writing has received a Pushcart Prize (for her short story "Lorry Raja,") as well as a 30-Below Prize from Narrative Magazine, and has appeared in Best American Non-Required Reading, Narrative, and Salon, among other publications. (Bio adapted from various onsite sources.)