

Discussion Questions
1. Does the book grab your attention at the outset and hold it throughout? Why? Do you feel the story is plot-driven, like a thriller, or are there other elements that keep you reading? Does the story seem slow, or is the pace to your liking? Is anything in the story predictable?

2. How do you feel about the main character? Are you sympathetic to his situation? Do his actions disturb you in any way? Are his actions justified? Does he surprise you?

3. How do the book’s descriptive passages affect your reading experience? Do you get involved in detailed renderings of nature and island life? How does the present tense contribute to your reading experience?

4. The main character is a photographer and the story is told through his eyes. Does this make the story feel cinematic in its unfolding? Does it seem like you’re there?

5. The narrative point of view shifts from first-person to second-person in the fourth part, then back to first-person for the final section. How does this shift affect your involvement with the story? What was the author’s purpose in making this change?

6. Did the various characters engage you? What about the animals? Who was your favorite character? Why?

7. Is the ending satisfying? Did you wish something else had happened? Were you shocked by anything?

8. What themes does the author explore? How do the title and the epigraphs affect your understanding of the novel? What did you learn by reading this book? Would you read more fiction by this author?
(Questions courtesy of the author.)

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