

Book Reviews
[T]he parallels between a past crime and the present-day death of a teenage boy.... Dark and suspenseful, Barry’s well-constructed tale is filled with traps and red herrings as the truth is slowly revealed and Salem is forced to confront its sordid past.
Publishers Weekly

[T]he many suspenseful, intriguing events presented in this sort-of-sequel are sure to haunt [readers].... Banshees, lost memories, and secret pasts each play a significant role in this novel. —Andrea Tarr, Corona P.L., CA
Library Journal

(Starred review.) Barry fans will welcome the return of beloved characters and the introduction of new ones into a contemporary Salem appropriately fraught with remnants and reminders of its dark and twisted history. This spooky, multilayered medley of mysteries is sure to be a bestseller.

Since the ultimate answers are supplied or at least confirmed by Callie's visions and dreams, one wonders why she couldn't have divulged these earlier, saving us all from having to turn (eagerly, it must be said) so many pages.... [F]lawed but entertaining.
Kirkus Reviews