

Discussion Questions
1. How is magic (or supernatural elements) introduced in the novel?

2. What is its role in the narrative?

3. What kind of reading agreement has to be established between the author and the reader in order for the magical elements to work?

4. Do the magical realist devices disrupt the logic of the story or enhance it?

5. What specific things give this novel a magical quality?

6. Which character or characters do you identify with the most?

7. How does each character (Bubbles and Feather) reveal herself over the course of the novel. At what point do your sympathies begin to change (if they do)?

8. What role does death have in this book?

9. Does Fling! remind you of any other works you’ve read?

10. How did this novel cause you to think differently about mother/daughter relationships or family dynamics?

11. How does the use of time in Fling! contribute to its magical qualities?

12. What do you think are the novel’s main themes?

13. What role does “the goddess” play in Fling!?

14. In what ways does Bubbles seem mythic or ageless? (not mythic in the sense of implausible)

15. How do the characters in Fling! subvert the stereotypes of older adults?

16. What role does the setting have in Fling!?

17. How would you describe the difference between Heather, Annie, Bubbles, and Feather?

18. What role do the men play in this novel?

19. How does Feather get educated about her mother (Bubbles)?

20. Would you classify Fling! as a coming-of-age novel? Why or why not?

21. Did anything surprise you in Fling!? Did you learn something new about being human?
(Questions provided courtesy of the author.)

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