

Book Reviews
Prolific novelist Hannah revisits the characters...of her bestselling Firefly Lane in this slow-paced but largely well-executed sequel. Tully Hart, the famous 50-year-old former host of the talk show The Girlfriend, isn’t dealing well with the recent death of her best friend Kate, whose daughter, Marah, has run away.... Told in a shopworn form—turns and flashbacks from the perspectives of Marah, Johnny, and Tully—the plot is unnecessarily repetitive,...but fans will appreciate the depth of character as they wade toward a neatly tied-up and heart-warming denouement.
Publishers Weekly

Hannah's enthralling and touching sequel to Firefly Lane continues the tale of Tully and Kate's poignant friendship and the journey they still share even in death. Once Kate dies....[Tullly]...quickly finds herself following in her mother's footsteps of addiction.... Verdict: A moving read about mothers and daughters, families, friends, second chances, love, heartbreak, faith, grieving, and healing. Tissues required. —Anne M. Miskewitch, Chicago P.L.
Library Journal

When we last left Kate and Tully,...the friendship was on rocky ground. Now Kate has died of cancer, and Tully, whose once-stellar TV talk show career is in free fall, is wracked with guilt.... Tully's long-estranged mother, Dorothy, aka Cloud...details for the first time the abusive childhood...that led to her life as a junkie lowlife and punching bag for trailer-trash men. Although powerful, Cloud's largely peripheral story deflects focus away from the main conflict, as if Hannah was loath to tackle the intractable thicket in which she mired her main characters. Unrelenting gloom relieved only occasionally by wrenching trauma; somehow, though, Hannah's storytelling chops keep the pages turning even as readers begin to resent being drawn into this masochistic morass.
Kirkus Reviews