

Discussion Questions
1. Beatrice’s maxim, which she tries to pass on to her daughters, is “Family comes 3rst.” Do you agree with this motto? Which queen best upholds this mantra?

2. In the prologue, Beatrice states, “A woman achieves nothing in this man’s world without careful plotting.” (p. 1) How does this statement apply to the rest of the novel? As Eleonore wonders later, is it possible for women to decide their own fate in this novel?

3. Four Sisters, All Queens is told from the perspective of all four queens. Which sister did you identify with most? Who was your favorite? Who was your least favorite? Did any of the relationships in this novel remind you of any relationships in your own life? If so, why?

4. “[Marguerite] had thought that, as queen, she would have control over her own life as well as the lives of others. Now, she thinks the opposite may be true.” (p. 53) Does being in a position of leadership allow one to have more power over others? Or does it actually serve to limit control in one’s own life? Have you ever been in a leadership position? What did you struggle with? What did you enjoy about?

5. Beatrice of Savoy and Blanche, the White Queen, are both strong matriarchs with great influence over the other characters in the novel. Compare and contrast these two powerful women.

6. Discuss the different marriages and relationships throughout the book. What motivates these unions? Love, money, power, sex? In your opinion, which relationship functioned the best? Why?

7. Similarly, as Marguerite wonders, “What is the meaning of loyalty?” (p. 279) Is there any merit to remaining faithful in this novel? How do you define loyalty? Who is the most loyal person in your life?

8. Marguerite ponders the true meaning of happiness, and if it is to be found with a man or in spite of a man. (p. 280) Which do you believe? What would you choose?

9. Eleonore wonders, “[Who] cares which kingdom has more power, which kings and queens have more lands? We 3ght and scheme for our children’s sakes and then we die, and they may lose all that we built up for them. There is nothing we can give to anyone that lasts—except love.” (pp. 400–1) Which characters would agree with her sentiment? Do you agree?

10. What is the source of each character’s power? Where do they derive their confidence and authority? How is power for women different from men?

11. Four Sisters, All Queens takes place over a period of forty years. How does each sister evolve throughout the novel?

12. Why does Beatrice force her daughters into their marriages? Did she sacrifice her daughters for her own interests, as Marguerite believes? (p. 354) Or did she truly have their benefit in mind?

13. “In this struggle to navigate a world made by men, for men, are not all women sisters?” (p. 390) Do you agree with this statement? How does it apply to thirteenth century society in contrast to present day?
(Questions issued by publisher.)

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