

Author Bio
Aka—Sean Thomas
Where—England, UK
Awards—Bad Sex Award (UK-see below)
Currently—lives in London, England

Tom Knox is the pseudonym of British journalist and writer Sean Thomas. When he writes under the name of Tom Knox, he specialises in archaeological thrillers.

His first thriller, The Genesis Secret (2008), focuses on the region known as Gobekli Tepe, and features Biblical mysteries and cutting edge science. Noteworthy for several exceptionally gruesome episodes, it was an international bestseller.

His second novel, The Marks of Cain was published in 2010. Centring on the little-known Cagot community who lived in the Basque Country, it too was an international bestseller.

A third book, titled Bible of the Dead was published in 2011 in the UK (as The Lost Goddess in the US in 2012). The novel focuses on the Khmer Rouge, while taking in the cave paintings of France, the dark history of human-animal hybridization and modern Chinese Communism.

Sean Thomas lives in London. Most famous for "Millions Of Women Are Waiting To Meet You," Sean Thomas also won the Bad Sex award in 2006 for his novel Kissing England.  (From Wikipedia.)