

Discussion Questions
We'll add publisher questions if and when they're available; in the meantime, use our LitLovers talking points to help start a discussion for GET A LIFE, CHLOE BROWN… then take off on your own:

1. Talk about Chloe's life before she had her near death experience. Then consider her list: what do you think of it? Why does she make it?

2. Have you ever had a list similar to Chloe's, if not so concrete as hers, then at least some vaguely unformed ideas of what your life could be… but isn't? We also call the lists "bucket lists," which many of us have. What's yours?

3. Is Red hot?

4. What are Red's issues in life? Why is he such a hunk, yet so vulnerable?

5. What keeps Chloe and Red apart at first; then, when they finally meet face-to-face while rescuing a cat, what draws them together?  How do their opinions of one another change once they get to know one another and pend more time together?

6. How has Chloe's fibromyalgia affected her life? Do you know anyone, or perhaps yourself, who has fibromyalgia? What challenges does the disease impose on those inflicted with it? Consider, especially the lack of knowledge, and sometimes the complete dismissal, on the part of medical professionals.

7. What do you think of all the friends and lovers (e.g., Henry) who deserted Chloe? Given the lack of a specific diagnosis, and the diseases, had you been her friend, would you have stuck by her? Might you have considered her a tiresome hypochondriac or attention seeker? (Be honest, now.)

8. Laugh much? At what parts?

(Questions by LitLovers. Please feel free to use them, online and off, with attribution. Thanks.)

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