

Discussion Questions
1. Jamie decided to move to New Zealand to escape her dubious love life in California. Have you ever had dating experiences that made you want to flee the country?

2. What is the meaning of the title Getting Rooted in New Zealand? Would you have called the book something else? If so, what would your title be?

3. While in New Zealand, Jamie had a lot of temporary jobs. Which one did you find the most shocking and why?

4. Are there any books you can compare Getting Rooted in New Zealand to?

5. Who do you think should play Jamie if Getting Rooted in New Zealand was made into a movie?

6. What surprised you most about Getting Rooted in New Zealand or Jamie?

7. Did any of the characters in the book remind you of anyone you know?

8. Were there any quotes or scenes that stood out to you in the book? Why?

9. At the end of the book, Jamie makes another impulsive decision. Where do you think Jamie and various characters in the book will be in five years?
(Questions provided by the author.)

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