

Author Bio
Where—Houston, Texas, USA
Education—B.A., University of Texas, Austin; M.F.A., Emerson College
Currently—Boston, Massachusetts

Thomas McNeely grew up in Houston, Texas, where he made Super-8 movies as a child. After graduating from The University of Texas at Austin, where he spent too much time reviewing movies for The Daily Texan, he worked for several years as an investigator for The Texas Resource Center, a non-profit law firm that defended death row prisoners. This experience became the basis for his first published story, "Sheep," in The Atlantic Monthly.

After receiving an MFA from Emerson College, he was a Stegner Fellow and Jones Lecturer in fiction at Stanford University. His short stories have appeared in The Atlantic, Ploughshares,  Virginia Quarterly Review, and Epoch, and have been anthologized in The Best American Mystery Stories; What If?: Writing Exercises for Fiction Writers; and Algonquin Books' Best of the South: From the Second Decade of New Stories from the South.

He has also received fellowships from the National Endowment for the Arts, the Dobie Paisano Program at the University of Texas at Austin, and the MacDowell Colony. He currently teaches in the Stanford Online Writers' Studio and the Emerson College Honors Program. Ghost Horse, his first novel, winner of the Gival Press Novel Award, was published in October 2014. (From the author.)

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