

Discussion Questions
1. What were your first impressions of Casiopea? Hun-Kame? Martin? How did you feel about them by the end of the book?

2. How did you feel about the relationship between Casiopea and Hun-Kame?

3. What did you think about the historical period and setting of the book? Could you see this as a modern-day adventure?

4. What did you think about the ending? Do you wish anything had been different? Would you read a sequel to this story? If so, would you prefer it feature Casiopea and Hun Kame, or would you prefer a story in the same world with new characters?

5. Discuss Martin’s perception of the world versus Casiopea’s. Why do you think, raised under the same roof, they see things so differently?
(Questions from author's website; don't miss the gorgeous book club kit.)

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