

Discussion Questions
1. Gloria says that her tragic flaw is “losing control and saying what I truly think.” Talk about tragic flaws—Gloria’s, your own, other novels whose plots are driven by such character flaws.

2. What do you think of Glory, Inc. offering makeovers in the back of eighteen-wheelers? Is it a good idea for a business? Could it work in real life?

3. Do you see yourself in Matt, Daisy, or Raquel? In Gloria? Does Matt, Daisy, Raquel, or Gloria remind you of anyone in your own family?

4. Do any of the grandchildren’s jobs appeal to you: PR for a professional sports team; legal aide; book scout for Paramount Pictures?

5. Why is Gloria the way she is? What do you think are the major forces or events that have shaped her personality? Can you admire her or sympathize with her?

6. What do you think of Gloria’s relationship with her ex-husband, Joe? Do you understand or sympathize with her for leaving him?

7. Gloria is critical and judgmental of her family, but she can be relaxed and generous with her employees like Emily Anderson and Lizzy. Why do you think this is?

8. Have you ever had a makeover? How did it go? Is there anyone you know who you’d love to see have a makeover?

9. What did you think of the way the story was told from different points of view, alternating between chapters? Was this an effective way to tell this story?

10. Imagine yourself in Daisy, Raquel, or Matt’s position when they got the offer from Gloria. What would you have done? Do you think they made the right choices ultimately?

11. Have you ever fantasized about opening your own business? What kind would it be?

12. Gloria seems utterly heartless and manipulative at the opening of the novel. Yet, by the end, she’s gained wisdom and even earned everyone’s forgiveness. Talk about the idea that it’s never too late—even at eighty—to change.

13. Do you know anyone who has had a realization and reconciliation in the way Gloria does at the end of the novel?

14. What did you think of the ending? Did you foresee this resolution or was it surprising?
(Questions issued by publisher.)

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