

Discussion Questions
1. Grays Hill is set in the late 1700's early 1800s. Does this time period work best for this story? Could this story happen today?

2. Oksana is overweight and very tall. How do you think that makes her feel in that time period? Did it add to or detract from the story? How?

3. The Duke is hiding a child with Down Syndrome. We cope with that very differently today but some countries still hide their "imperfect" people. How does that make you feel? Do you agree or disagree with hiding handicap?

4. In many romance novels, the two main characters fall into bed and love immediately. Is this realistic for the time period? How about for today? Do you like a quick fall then some conflict, or a slow build with the conflict?

5. There is a lot of fencing in the book. Do you think a woman would have actually fenced in that time period? Would a Duke allowed her to learn or even taught her?

6. The author’s favorite lead into a love scene in all her books is this one—"The only Tarkington you will every sleep with will be me!" How did that line make you feel? If a man said that to you would you swoon or run for your life?

7. If you were writing the ending of Rafe and OJ’s story, what would it be?

8. What is your take on OJ and Geoff’s friendship? Are you glad they remained friends or would you rather have seen them become lovers and have their happily ever after instead?
(Questions courtesy of the author.)

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