

Author Bio
Birth—June, 1958
Where—Redwood, California, USA
Raised—California, Montana, and British Columbia, Canada
Education—B.A., Vassar College; M.A., University of California, Berkeley; M.F.A.,
   Saint Mary's College of California
Currently—lives in London, England, UK

Alix Christie is an author, journalist, and letterpress printer. She learned the craft as an apprentice to two master California printers and owns and operates a 1910 Chandler & Price letterpress. She holds a master of fine arts degree from Saint Mary's College of California and currently lives in London, where she reviews books and arts for the Economist. Gutenberg's Apprentice is her first novel. (From the publisher.)

In her words:
I was born in the Silicon Valley while it was still orchards, and grew up in California, Montana, and British Columbia. A move to New York state to attend Vassar College, where I was a Phi Beta Kappa philosophy major, led to Manhattan and a stint in advertising copywriting. I returned home to pursue a masters degree in journalism at the University of California and have been a peripatetic reporter and writer ever since.

My articles and commentary have appeared in the Washington Post, International Herald Tribune, The Economist, The Guardian, Salon and the San Francisco Chronicle, among other publications. I am the former editor of the Foreign Service of the San Francisco Chronicle, a network of freelance foreign correspondents.

While raising two children in the 1990s I earned a Masters of Fine Arts in fiction from St. Mary’s College of California. My debut novel, Gutenberg's Apprentice, is forthcoming this fall. An earlier unpublished work was a semi-finalist in the 2008 Amazon Breakthrough Novel contest, and my short stories have appeared in Southwest Review, Other Voices, and For Sale, Baby Shoes, Never Worn: Six Words, Six Stories, Six Writers, a limited letterpress edition from Foolscap Press.
(From the author's website.)