

Book Reviews
(Starred review.) Atwood’s canny remix offers multiple pleasures: seeing the inmates’ takes on their characters, watching Felix make use of the limited resources the prison affords..., and marveling at the ways she changes, updates, and parallels the play’s magic, grief, vengeance, and showmanship.
Publishers Weekly

(Starred review.) Among the offerings so far in the "Hogarth Shakespeare" series, modern retellings of the plays, Atwood's is distinctive for integrating a juicily conceived rehearsal and performance of the work in question, The Tempest.... [I]nventive, heartfelt.... Highly recommended. —Barbara Hoffert
Library Journal

[D]espite [a] clever construction and a few genuinely moving moments...the bulk of the novel can feel like...a high school English class. The inmate-actors seem more like puppets than people;...this novel rarely pulls off true theater’s magic of transforming glitter confetti into fairy dust.
Kirkus Reviews