

Discussion Questions
The below questions were graciously submitted to LitLovers by Shelley Holley, M.L.S of the Southington (Conn.) Library. Thank you, Shelley!

1. What did you think of the book?

2. Did you think the title was misleading?

3. What do you think of Diane and Felix’s relationship, do you think he does too much for her?

4. Are Diane’s parents realistic about wanting her to return their home?

5. Was Diane’s decision to go to Ireland a good idea?

6. What do you think about Jack and Abby relationship with Edward?

7. How did you like the way the author described Mulranny, did it make you want to visit?

8. Do you think Diane’s feelings for Edward are real or just a way to get over her loss?

9. Is Diane’s return to Paris smart or should she have stayed in Ireland?

10. Do you think she can be happy again back in Paris?

(Questions by Shelley Holley, M.L.S. at the Southington, Conn., Library. Please feel free to use them, online and off, with attribution to both Shelley and LitLovers. Thanks.)

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