

Discussion Questions
1. The book begins In a different world, you make it work. How do you think the Hammonds’ life might have played out if Alexandra hadn’t met Scott Bean? Do you think they’d end up in a better or worse place than they are at the end of the novel?
2. What did you think about the pieces written by Tilly scattered throughout the book? Did they help you gain insight into Tilly’s inner life?
3. What do you make of Scott Bean? What motivates him? Is he a narcissist, a manipulator, or just someone whose good intentions are hampered by his own personal demons? Do you think he genuinely cares about helping the children and families at Camp Harmony?
4. Are any of Scott Bean’s philosophies good ones? Under different circumstances, could a place like Camp Harmony be productive and beneficial for families who are struggling?
5. What do you think Tilly will be like in adulthood? Will she be able to overcome some of the issues that make it difficult for her to communicate with other people and function in the world? What about Iris—how do you think these experiences in her youth will affect the kind of adult she becomes?
6. What kind of marriage do Josh and Alexandra have? Has it been primarily strengthened or weakened by the stresses of raising Tilly?
7. How has it affected Iris to have a sibling with special needs? Do you think Iris has seen any benefits or positive effects?
8. What did you think of the epilogue? Is the metaphor of a child born with wings an accurate expression of Tilly’s particular difficulties and quirks?
(Questions issued by the publisher.)

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