

Author Bio
Where—Seattle, Washington, USA
Education—Western Washington University
Currently—lives in Seattle, Washington

Amy, the youngest of three children, grew up in Washington State. When she graduated with a degree in sociology, she discovered most sociologists are unemployed. Soon followed a variety of jobs—some of which she loved, like decorating wedding cakes; others which she merely tolerated, like receptionist. In 1998, Amy finally decided to sell her car, quit her job, and take a chance on writing books.

The literary gods took kindly to her aspirations, and The Kind of Love that Saves You was published in 2000. The Language of Sisters was published two years later, in 2002. (Both were published under her previous last name, Yurk.)

Amy spends most of her time today with her second and final husband, Stephan. (Seriously, if this one doesn’t work out, she’s done, kaput, no more husbands.) She stays busy with her two children, Scarlett and Miles, and her “bonus child,” Anna. Their blended family also includes two four-legged hairy children, commonly known as Black Lab mutts, Kenda and Dolcé.

When Amy’s not with friends or family, she is most likely reading, cooking, or zoning out on certain reality television shows. Top Chef is a current favorite. She eagerly awaits auditions for the cast of “Top Author.” (“Quick Edit” instead of “Quick Fire” Challenge? C’mon, producers! That’s gripping television!). (From the author's website.)