

Hell, Heaven & In-between:  One Woman's Journey to Finding Love
Kathryn Hurn, 2016
Mattsamkat Publishing
604 pp.
ISBN-13: 9780692773802

HELL IS THE WASTELAND. The point when you have stopped being yourself

This is the personal history, the loves and losses of Lucy Bell, whose life as a young woman was blown off course and her attempts to right her way seemed a labyrinth of griefs and disappointments. But life isn’t just what happens to you. And heaven is there in the blue sky for all to see.

"For most people, their wedding day seemed like heaven on earth, to me it was hell, H, E, double toothpicks."

Darkly funny and uncommonly frank, Lucy recounts an unforgettable emotional and spiritual journey from darkness and error to light and knowledge, her sense of isolation, unfulfilled longing and struggle for personal fulfillment, to finally arrive at love’s threshold feeling the joy and peace of having discovered her proper place in the world.

"…marrying a man whose one-dimensional, good-ole-boy persona couldn’t possibly guess the depths of my raging passions nor ever wish to know of their existence."

Healing, like the gaining of wisdom, is not a power outside your self. A young woman breaks up her sham of a marriage to a husband whose less-than-honest dealings do more harm than he will ever admit, embarks on a journey to independence and authenticity, then in a poetic vision falls madly in love with an erudite mountaineer who proposes from the top of a 8,000-meter peak only to disappear in the glint of an ice storm. Between the explained and the unexplained a mystery lies.

"Leaving for Annapurna on 4/5, Snow Leopard baby…I love you in so many ways…"