

Author Bio
Birth—ca. 1981-82
Where—Kingston, Jamaica
Education—B.A., Cornell University; M.F.A., Sarah Lawrence College
Currently—lives in Brooklyn, New York, USA

Nicole Dennis-Bann is a Jamaican writer whose debut novel, Here Comes the Sun, was published to wide acclaim in 2016. With eductional opportunities fairly limited at home, Dennis-Benn left Jamaica when she was 17 to attend Cornell Unviersity. As she told Diane Daniel of The New York Times,

My fmaily was working class, and it's very hard to move up. On topof that, with being a lesbian in a homophobic place, the U.S.s seemed the best choice.

She went on to earn her M.F.A., from Sara Lawrence College and now teaches writing at Baruch College in New York City, where she also lives with her wife.

Dennis-Benns's writing has appeared in Elle Magazine, Electric Literature, Lenny Letter, Catapult, Red Rock Review, Kweli Literary Journal, Mosaic, Ebony, and the Feminist Wire.

She was awarded a Richard and Julie Logsdon Fiction Prize, and two of her stories have been nominated for the prestigious Pushcart Prize in Fiction. She has also received fellowships from the Sewanee Writers' Conference and Lambda Foundation, among others. (Adapted from the publisher.)