

Discussion Questions
1. Do you think the author captures Cathleen’s loneliness and did you sympathize with her sense of isolation?

2. How would you sum up Cathleen and Ada’s relationship? And what does each of them bring to it?

3. Ada’s character develops throughout the book. What words would you use to describe her as a child, a young woman, and then as an adult?

4. Why do you think Ada felt her relationship with Edward was her duty?

5. How do you feel South Africa’s political background colors the novel?

6. Why do you think Dawn is so much more entrenched in the life of the township than her mother is?

7. Did you believe that Ada’s method of approaching the Mayor and the newspaper direct about housing was effective?

8. What do you think happened to Jake?

9. Why do you think Rose behaves in the way that she does?

10. What do you feel that the theme of music contributes to the book?

11. Did you feel that the author offered a real sense of hope with the return of Helen?

12. Did you identify any metaphors that the author uses to enhance the story?

13. What incident affected you the most in the book? And what emotions were you left with?

14. If you were to meet Ada today, what single question would you ask her?
(Questions issued by the publisher.)

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