

Author Bio
Birth—ca. 1971-72
Where—Detroit, Michigan, USA
Education—B.A. Bowling Green State University
Currently—lives in Norfolk, Virginia

In her words:
I was born in Detroit and raised by two public school teachers. We lived in Michigan during the school year, and at an old farm in the hills of western Pennsylvania during school vacations. My world revolved around horses, music, and books. I went to college and grad school in the midwest, met my husband and got married in Chicago, and then moved to Norfolk when we decided to have kids. We have two: a boy and a girl. I homeschool them and taxi them to orchestra rehearsal, the karate dojo, the pony farm, and many music lessons. At our homeschool co-op I teach literature, and I love to travel, knit, play my electric guitar, and of course read. (From the author's website.)

How to Tell Toledo from the Night Sky is Lydia's second book; her first is Shine, Shine, Shine (2012).