

Discussion Questions
1.  When Valerie decides to create Home Health Hunks, she takes a risk that moves her out of her normal comfort zone. Think of a time when you took a large risk and describe how that turned out. What did you learn from the process?

2. At one point, Valerie bemoans: "I finally get to be a mom, but my child is my own mother." Have you ever found yourself in the position of having to "parent" one of your own parents? If so, what was that experience like?

3. There were times when Helen clearly felt Valerie was overstepping her bounds as an adult child. Do you think children have a responsibility to care for their aging parents? If so, at what point would you say the child has gone too far?

4. Many successful businesspeople, particularly entrepreneurs, say they have to work sixty to eighty hours a week or they won’t be successful. Can you sympathize with these people, or do you think they’re making an unwise choice? How do you handle the work-life balance challenge?

5. If someone actually started a business such as Home Health Hunks, they would probably come under fire for "objectifying" men. Do you think there’s a double standard when it comes to objectifying men vs. objectifying women? Why or why not?

6. Some would say Valerie’s decision to get involved with an employee was unethical. Would you agree with that? Why or why not?

7. Valerie had serious concerns about the age difference between herself and Keith. Do you think her concerns were valid? Why or why not? Have your ever dated/married someone considerably older or younger than yourself? If so, how would you describe that experience?

8. Mother-daughter relationships can range from very close to very contentious. What could Valerie and/or Helen have done to make their relationship less adversarial?

9. Helen knows Valerie’s workaholism has caused her daughter great pain, and at one point, she tells Valerie: "Sometimes your greatest strength can also be your worst enemy." Can you think of an example of this in your own life? Please elaborate.

10. The main theme of this book is: If you’re always worried about the future, you can’t enjoy the present. Do you strive to make the most of the present, and if so, how?
(Questions courtesy of the author.)

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