

Discussion Questions
1. How does the title, I Let You Go, link to the themes in the novel?

2. The author of I Let You Go is a former police officer. Do you think this is evident in the storytelling?

3. How does the author pull the wool over the reader’s eyes in preparation for the first major twist? How did you feel when you reached it?

4. Discuss the relationship between Ray and Kate.

5. Some of the scenes in I Let You Go present a high level of violence. Are these sections hard to read? Are they necessary for the story? Why did the author include them?

6. The ending is intentionally ambiguous: what do you think happened at the end of the story, and do you think it was the right ending? How would you have resolved the story?

7. What does the future hold for Jenna?
(Questions from the author's website.)

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