

Discussion Questions
Through Madeline’s past, I Liked My Life explores the day to day of stay-at-home moms. Do you feel Maddy’s experience generally represents the realities of that lifestyle? What, if anything, would have changed if they weren’t as wealthy?

2. Motherhood is a reoccurring theme throughout the book. Was there a relationship you particularly related to—Maddy/her mother; Eve/Maddy; Rory/Linda; Meg/Lucy?

3. Brady had grown up in a religious household but, over time, lost touch with those roots. Have you carried forward childhood religious traditions? Why or why not?

4. Paige and Maddy have been friends for a decade. Did you find their backstory relatable to friendships in your life?

5. Eve finds herself mourning at a tender, uncertain time of life. As part of that process, she no longer feels connected to her group of friends, or even her age group more broadly. How does her inner dialogue compare to where you were at emotionally at 16/17?

6. Eve and Brady have a contentious relationship at the beginning of the novel. What is the turning point where they soften toward each other? Does it happen at the same time for both of them?

7. Brady asserts that Maddy was the “liaison” between he and Eve. Do you feel that’s a common role mothers play between daughters and fathers? How does that compare to your childhood?

8. Do you feel the book would have worked if Maddy had died at the hands of a more common tragedy, like cancer or a car accident? Why or why not?

9. Many themes are touched on in this novel: motherhood, family roles, marriage, mourning. Which most resonated with you?

10. In the end, Brady does not end up with Rory. How did you feel about that?

11. Brady and Eve both grieved very differently. How much do you think one’s age impacts how they mourn? Gender?

12. The story ends with a snippet into Eve’s life at 27. Was she where you would have imagined her?

13. Both Eve and Brady go to a therapist. Do you think that helped? How and when do you see therapy as a positive tool?
(Questions issued by the publisher.)

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