

Discussion Questions
1. While Alison and Kyle both dream of leaving Cincinnati behind, only Alison ends up leaving. Why do you think this is? Do you think people can be constrained by younger perceptions of themselves and how their lives will be? How is your own life different from the way you thought it would turn out?

2. The novel moves between life in New York City and life in Cincinnati, Ohio. Why do you think the novel is set in these cities? How is life different in each? Which would you prefer?

3. Kyle dreams of being a Doctor Without Borders, but instead finds himself a pediatrician. Do you think that he compromised his goals? Do you think that childhood dreams are sometimes worth reevaluating? Why or why not?

4. After moving to New York, Alison seems embarrassed by her Cincinnati background. Why does she feel the need to escape her past? When she first visits Cincinnati for Christmas she looks at Dennis and thinks, "If he left Ohio he would have turned into nothing, but it would have made a man of him.... He’ll turn into nothing here and it will just make him even more bitter than he is already." What does Alison mean? Do you agree with her? Does her reading of Dennis stay true throughout the novel?

5. Catholicism is a determining factor in Kyle’s life, and a huge part of the community in which both Kyle and Alison were raised. Discuss the role of religion in the novel.

6. At first, Alison struggles to meet the physical expectations of her agent and network television, but when she stops eating she notices that even her family is impressed by her new look. Discuss how the novel handles women’s body issues in Hollywood. Do you think expectations in these industries are changing? Should Alison have fought these standards more?

7. Kyle never sleeps with Alison because "he believed what he was told: Sex is a sacrament, which belongs in marriage. He loved Alison and he refused to have sex with her" (p. 48). How did you feel when Kyle slept with Van so quickly, after waiting with Alison for so many years? Do you think Kyle made the right choice in either instance? Why or why not?

8. Van’s relationship with Kyle is continually troubled by Alison: "No matter how distant her rival was in this situation, the mere fact of Alison’s presence—her significant presence—in Kyle’s past was an unacceptable irritant" (p. 50). How do you feel about her description of their marriage? Were you surprised by the developments in Kyle and Van’s marriage?

9. Did you ever sympathize with Van? Why or why not? Would you have behaved differently if you were in her shoes?

10. Why don’t Kyle and Alison end up together? Should they have? What do you think might have happened if Alison had stayed in Cincinnati?
(Questions issued by the publisher.)

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