

Discussion Questions
1. Emma takes her anger out on Adam. Why do you think it is that as humans we hurt the ones we love the most?

2. Did you find Emma to be a likeable character?

3. If Paul were your son, what, if anything, would you have done differently while raising him?

4. Do Jean’s parents do enough to help their daughter or as a grown-up, should she be left to stand on her own two feet?

5. If you were in Jean’s position, would you inform on your son?

6. It is the age-old question of "nature versus nurture," but do you think that Paul is a product of his upbringing or do you believe that he would have turned out like that anyway?

7. Are there any parallels that can be drawn between the lives of Jean and her son Paul?

8. Did you have any empathy for the character of Paul?

9. Do you think when Paul is older that he is likely to repent for his actions?

10. The book deals with how a split-second action can change the course of our lives forever. Do you believe that we can change the outcome and events in our lives by the choices that we make or are we always predestined to do certain things?
(Questions courtesy of the author.)

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