

Book Reviews
In this beguiling first novel, Taitz interweaves Lily's comical fish-out-of-water mating dance with her family's grim and discomfiting Holocaust chronicles. Improbably, the mix works.
Jan Stuart - New York Times Book Review

Mid-1970s London may be thirty years post-war, but New Yorker Lily Taub, who embarks for graduate studies at Oxford University, can't seem to neatly cover the territory between the Europe her Holocuast survivor parents remember&mdashand burned into her own consciousness&mdash and the bright, shining new world she longs to prove exists, and to inhabit....This novel is richly embroidered, each page a highly polished prose gem, rendered with a loving literary hand, a gift to readers, a mitzvah.
Lisa Romeo - ForeWord Reviews

Sonia Taitz weaves a witty, literate, and heartfelt story filled with engaging characters and relationships. The reader is moved by and invested in Lily’s realization of who she is, where she comes from, and her hopes for a more tolerant and healed world.
Renita Last - Jewish Book Council Review