

Discussion Questions
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Also consider these LitLovers talking points to help get a discussion started for The Innocent:

1. Talk about the moral justification for assassination.

His employer decided who among the living and breathing would qualify as a target. And then they turned to men like Robie to end the living and breathing part. It made the world better, was the justification.

What do you think of "sanctioned assassinations?" Can there ever be, as the last sentence of the above quote says, a "justification" for political killing? Are assassinations sometimes necessary for public safety?

2. What do you think of Will Robie? How would you describe him as a character? Is he presented as one-dimensional—or does the author give him an psychological and emotional inner life? Does he have a moral compass?

3. Do you think our government ever employs hit men like Robie?

4. What makes Robie refuse to kill the target of his newest assignment? What makes him suspicious?

5. What do you think about Julie Getty? Does she represent the stereotypical foster child? Why does Robie decide to ally himself with her? When did he (and you, as the reader) begin to suspect that she was at the heart of the mission he was assigned to?

6. The plot consists of two climactic episodes: one when the villain is unmasked, and the second, well...we won't spoil that one. Did you find the climaxes satisfying? One more so than the other? Are the endings believable? Were you surprised...not surprised...gratified? Are all the loose ends tied up, so that all the mystifying events that take place earlier in the novel are revealed and resolved?

7. The thriller genre is characterized by a fast-paced plot, unexpected twists and turns, danger and suspense. Does The Innocent live up to its reputation as a thriller? Top-notch...or so-so?

8. If you're read other books by David Baldacci, how does this compare?

9. Do expect—hope—that The Innocent will be the first in a new Will Robie series?

(Questions by LitLovers. Please feel free to use them, online or off, with attribution. Thanks.)

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