

Discussion Questions
1. Why do you think the author named the novel The Intersect?

2. Were you surprised by the turn in Charlie and Dave’s relationship? What clues did the author provide along the way? What challenges do you think couples face as they go through a major life change? Do you think these stresses are experienced differently by gay and straight couples?

3. How did Charlie and Dave’s personality traits contribute to their relationship issues? Did you find it enlightening to have a glimpse into a gay relationship? Was there anything about that relationship which surprised you?

4. When Daisy breaks a hip, she finds herself struggling, afraid of becoming a permanent resident of a long-term care facility. What key factors make Daisy most vulnerable? How have her choices led to her present circumstances? How does she overcome these choices? Are there seniors living in your community who might be at-risk for experiences similar to Daisy’s? Are you aware of the support services that reach out to isolated seniors?

5. Jack and Enid are new to Arizona. How are the tensions in their marriage manifested in their relationship? Are these tensions the same for Charlie and Dave? What is the difference between these two couples and how they approach life together?

6. Jack struggles to see clearly what is happening to Daisy. How does this parallel his struggles? How do his experiences with Enid, Daisy, and Bonnie move his character along an arc of growth? Is Jack a victim or merely ignorant?

7. Bonnie has a pattern of failed relationships. What characteristics does she possess that explain her inability to connect? Do you think she’s like many women in their late-thirties who are career-driven and remain unmarried or in unattached relationships? What will it take to get Bonnie to make a commitment to a relationship?

8. Anna opens her heart to Henry, yet later in the novel, remains in Mexico with Ernie. Do you think she’s abandoned Henry? How can you explain this conflict in her character? Why does she remain unaware of Henry’s challenges?

9. There are clues throughout the novel about Ernie and his background. Did you catch them? Did you feel empathy for Ernie? Were you surprised by the final twist? What do you think the author is saying about undocumented immigrants who are raised in the United States?

10. The author shares the backstory on many of the characters in the novel. Whose backstory did you find the most compelling—Enid’s, Ernie’s, Daisy’s, or Jack’s childhood? How did their childhoods contribute to each character’s experience as an adult?

11. Henry struggles with his identity. Have you known a family that has trouble accepting their gay child? What about Henry’s struggle keeps him from sharing with Anna? What is it about Henry that makes him particularly vulnerable?

12. At the end of the novel, Charlie and Dave’s dynamic changes. Do you think it takes a trauma before we shift how we think about the direction of our own life?

13. Which character most closely touched your heart? Which character reminded you of someone in your own life? Which character would you have liked to learn more about?

14. The novel is set in Phoenix. What was your impression of Arizona before reading the book? Has that impression changed? Has the book made you want to visit Phoenix?

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