

Book Reviews
The Invasion of the Tearling glides over the sophomore slump, carrying the series upward with it.... The new Tearling characters are fascinating, and Johansen introduces them so smoothly, we care for them almost the instant we learn their names.
Entertainment Weekly

Get caught up with Kelsea, a heroine so badass, Emma Watson’s already signed up to play her.

All hail Queen Kelsea! In the series’ second action-packed book, the teen saves her throne from a power-hungry neighbor.
Us Weekly

Genre-bending.... So good.... Gripping.

A dazzling and gripping followup.... Expertly combining modern and medieval themes, Johansen ratchets up suspense as she weaves a magical story that crosses of the most original and well-written series in recent memory.

Readers—Watson included —can’t seem to put down the novels, in large part because of the Queen of the Tearling herself: spunky, complex, tough-as-nails Kelsea Glynn.

This sequel to The Queen of the Tearling continues Kelsea's story and provides the history that created Tea.... Verdict: Teens need to have read the first volume in order to understand and appreciate this sequel; both books should be at hand for fantasy fans. —Connie Williams, Petaluma High School, CA
School Library Journal

Gritty, gruesome, and enthrallingly magical fantasy.

[T]he end gets all liony, witchy, and wardroby...requiring more than a little disbelief-suspension. Still, the writing is smart and...a touch above a lot of sword-and-sorcery stuff—but still very much bound up in the conventions of that genre. Overall, a satisfying close to a long but worthy yarn.
Kirkus Reviews