

Discussion Questions
1. The author obviously has technical knowledge of nuclear physics. Does the protagonist’s scientific proposals to President Obama seem plausible?

2. What do you think of Nick de’Conti’s relationship with Laleh Sassani?

3. Nick de’Conti has multiple woman in his life, including his wife Katherine Sheffield and Gabriella Desjardins, his African American beauty.  Who do you think he will ultimately settle down with?

4. Nick de’Conti always reverts too his old, childhood friend in Harlem, Victor Armstrong, aka The Pig.  Why do you think he relies on him so much?

5. How does this book’s premise compare to what is actually taking place between Iran and the United States on the nuclear front?

6. Do you think this world view given by the author is possible?

7. Do you like President Obama’s demeanor better in real life or the novel?

8. Do Nick de’Conti and President Obama have a good relationship?

9. What do you think of the book’s cover?

10. Would this novel make for a good feature film?
(Questions courtesy of the author.)

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