

Discussion Questions
1. Julia Bennett, Lydia Thornburgh, Lara Keene, Katie Marigold, and Caroline Harper Caruthers meet at Aunt Lydia’s house for "Breast Power Psychic Night," "Getting To Know Your Vagina Psychic Night," and "Your Hormone And You Taking Over, Taking Cover, Taking Charge." How did these evenings help Julia to heal and gain strength and self esteem.

2. Would you feel comfortable having a Psychic Night with a group of girlfriends? Why or why not?

3. What did Julia learn from Aunt Lydia? What woman has been a role model for you?

4. Throughout the book we get glimpses of Julia’s lonely, abusive childhood. How did her childhood affect her adulthood? What decisions did she make that were direct results of that childhood? How did it affect her relationship with men?

5. Discuss the way the author used religion in the book. What part did faith and church play in the book? How did it define characters? Did the author accurately portray Christians?

6. Aunt Lydia constantly proclaims that, "men are pricks...They drive up in tractors, toss us lingerie that we’re supposed to model for them, making us feel downright cheap with our breasts yanked to our throats, then we’re to tickle their teensies and they drive off!" Does she really think this? Describe Stash and her relationship with him. Why had she chosen not to marry him?

7. At the end of the book, we find that Caroline Harper Caruthers has rejected all trappings of wealth. Why would she do this? Why do you think she prefers solitude and country living? How has being a psychic affected her life and emotional health? Would you want to be psychic?

8. Lara Keene leaves her husband because she needs to find herself. She says, "I can’t live like this. I’m trapped. Every day I feel like I’m acting the part of someone I’m not." Has Lara chosen to act the part of someone else or was she forced into the part? Can you relate to this statement? Can she be happy as a minister’s wife?

9. Katie Margolin stayed with her husband, despite his abuse and alcoholism. Why did she stay? How did her husband’s abuse trap her in that situation? Was she right to stay? Do you respect Katie for staying in her marriage or not?

10. Where do you see all these women in ten years? Where will you be in ten years?
(Questions courtesy of the author.)

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