

Author Bio
Birth—November 10, 1971
Where— Holstebro, Denmark
Education—Ph.D., Aarhus University (Denmark)
Currently—lives in Canada

My story began a few decades ago on the Danish North-Sea coast. I spent most of my childhood curled up in an armchair, reading and writing, hiding from the west wind. Encouraged by my wonderful mother, I managed to turn everything into a writing opportunity; no one escaped my party songs, theatre plays, and school magazines, try as they might. Believe me, I wore out several inherited typewriters before I left for college.

Armed with that brand-new contraption called a computer, I embarked upon a degree in the History of Ideas—a field perfectly suited for wannabe writers. My studies took me to many different places; Paris, Norway, Oklahoma, and Oxford to name a few, and after completing my Ph.D. I decided to immigrate to the United States. This was where I co-produced the Emmy-winning documentary Fire and Ice: The Winter War of Finland and Russia.

In 2005 my first novel was published in Denmark, with the title Hyrder paa Bjerget, which means "Shepherds on the Mountain." It is a Gothic comedy about the battle between science and religion, in which a group of mad scientists ensnare a young woman, Marie, in their wicked scheme to bring about a second Flood.

Over the years I have had the pleasure of lecturing at a number of universities in Europe and North America, addressing a variety of subjects in Classical literature, European history, and creative writing. In 2007 I joined Institute for Humane Studies in Washington D.C., and although I have now turned to full-time writing, I am still a strong supporter of IHS and its mission.

My latest book, Juliet, was bought by Ballantine/Random House in 2008 and has since been sold for publication to more than thirty countries worldwide. You can read much more about the book, the writing process, and the collaboration with my mother by visiting the official Random House book site (From the author's website.)