

Discussion Questions
1. At the beginning of the book, Cara Burrows has temporarily abandoned her family. Do you understand her actions? Is she is a sympathetic character?

2. Would you want to stay at the Swallowtail resort? Is it lovely and luxurious, or oppressively perfect?

3. The novel features a range of parent-child relationships, and Cara is pregnant. What point or points do you think the author is trying to make about parent-child relationships?

4. Is the media a force for good or bad in this book? Can you draw any parallels between the media as it appears here and in real life?

5. Cara Burrows is, like Sophie Hannah, British. Laws surrounding the media and criminal justice are stricter in the UK than in the USA. Does Cara’s outsider perspective affect how the concept of a free press is presented?

6. Is it possible to divide the characters into "good" and "bad"? Which characters are looking for justice?

7. Is justice finally served?

8. Did the final twist change how you thought about everything you had read before?

(Questions from the author's website.)

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