

Discussion Questions
We'll add publisher questions if and when they're available; in the meantime, use these LitLovers talking points for Leave Me...then take off on your own:

1. How did you feel, initially, about Maribeth's decision to pack up and leave her family, especially the twins. Are her actions credible, or believable, as a character? Did your opinion of her change as you read further into the novel?

2. Describe Maribeth's family constellation: the twins, her husband, and her mother. How do they contribute to Maribeth's decision to leave? If this were your family (ooh, maybe it is!) how would you react?

3. Do Maribeth's actions resonate with you? Are there times you harbor similar desires to escape the stress and demands of daily lifeā€”or simply feel that life is overwhelming? In other words, do you ever fantasize about doing what Maribeth does?

4. Discuss the supporting characters who enter Maribeth's new life: Sunita, Todd, Stephen, and Janice. What do you think of each of them and the role each plays in helping Maribeth heal?

5. Talk about Maribeth's journey back to wholeness. What does she come to realize?

6. Are you satisfied with the way the story ends? Would you e prefer a different ending?

(Questions by LitLovers. Please feel free to use them, online or off, with attribution. Thanks.)

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