

Book Reviews
Fresh, endearing…finely written and absorbing, and explores the always compelling questions of how to balance reality and romance, duty and dreams, family and freedom.
Minneapolis Star Tribune

A story about love, marriage, divorce, self-discovery and how things often turn out far from what you had planned.
Fort Worth Telegram

Stylistically less daring than Brown's previous title (The Weird Sisters), this book still manages to plumb the difference between the things in life that give us joy and the things that we do to stifle that joy. Verdict: For all fans of intelligent women's literature. —Jennifer Mills, Shorewood-Troy Lib., I
Library Journal

Brown’s novel tackles an age-old question about what life would be like if we took more chances….Makes readers sit up and take notice.
Romance Times

Brown conveys the miseries and satisfactions of women's journeys toward happiness.... While some characters—or their motivations—might have benefited from more fleshing out..., the whimsy and romance of post-World War I Paris and Madeleine's growing [confidence]...provide forward momentum.
Kirkus Reviews