

Discussion Questions
We'll add publisher questions if and when they're available; in the meantime, use our LitLovers talking points to help start a discussion for LIKE A MOTHER … then take off on your own:

1. What did you learn about pregnancy, giving birth, and being a new mother that you were unaware of before reading Angela Garbes's Like A Mother?

2. Talk about the remarkable abilities of both the placenta and beast milk. What surprised you most about the way each functions?

3. If you have given birth, talk about your own experiences compared to the author's. If you have yet to give birth but hope to, does Like a Mother put you at ease by providing needed information … or does it increase your anxiety by providing too much information?

4. Do you agree with Garbes that women deserve more information, compassion, and support surrounding child birth?

5. How, specifically, does Garbes fault postpartum care and treatment for mothers? What is missing?

6. Garbes also believes that woman should be given more autonomy. What does she mean? Do you agree?

7. How would you describe current American attitudes toward pregnancy and motherhood? In what way are we more enlightened than we were in previous generations? Where is there room for improvement in Garbes's eyes?

8. On page 230 Garbes writes about pregnancy as akin to opening an intricately folded piece of paper. Do you like her imagery? Can you think of other metaphors that apply?
9. How familiar were you with the role of doulas in childbirth?

10. Garbes writes with a fair amount of humor: what are some of the passages that made you laugh out loud?

11. Is this a book you wish you had read when you were pregnant?

(Questions by LitLovers. Please feel free to use them, online and off, with attribution. Thanks.)

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