

Book Reviews
Hits the sweet spot of bestsellers—it’s about old Europe, it’s about a bookseller, it’s got Paris in the title…and it’s got that kind of woo-woo mystical thing going on, like that other big translated fiction title The Alchemist.
New York Times Book Review

The settings are ideal for a summer-romance read…Who can resist floating on a barge through France surrounded by books, wine, love, and great conversation?
Christian Science Monitor

Nina George tells us clever things about love, about reading that 'puts a bounce in your step,' about tango in Provence, and about truly good food. . . . One of those books that gets you thinking about whom you need to give it to as a gift even while you're still reading it, because it makes you happy and should be part of any well-stocked apothecary.
Hamburger Morgenpost (Germany)

Enchanting and moving.... Rarely have I read such a beautiful book!
Tina magazine (Germany)

Though George’s prose is sometimes a bit overwrought and the "physician, heal thyself" plot device has been done to death, her cast of engaging characters keeps the story moving. Her sumptuous descriptions of both food and literature will leave readers unsure whether to run to the nearest library or the nearest bistro.
Publishers Weekly

This newly translated German bestseller is a warmhearted, occasionally sentimental account of letting go of the old loves to make room for new.... A charming novel that believes in the healing properties of fiction, romance, and a summer in the south of France.
Kirkus Reviews