

Discussion Questions
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Also consider these LitLovers talking points to help get a discussion started for The Living Blood:

1. Based on the evidence he had, was it cowardly or courageous of Lucas Shepard to leave his dying son to search for the magic blood? Did he truly believe it was real, or was he only fooling himself?

2. In what ways has Jessica changed since My Soul to Keep and in what ways is she still the same?

3. In what ways has David changed since My Soul To Keep and in what ways is he still the same?

4. If you were Jessica—or David—would you be able to forgive your partner for the events of the past? Why/why not?

5. Did you always believe David and Jessica would be reunited? Why/why not?

6. Why does David hesitate to see Jessica in the Life Colony in Lalibela?

7. What parenting mistakes, if any, does Jessica make with her daughter, Fana (Bee-Bee)? What one thing should she have done differently?

8. Do you believe Fana is good, evil or neither?

9. What do you think of Khaldun’s separatist philosophy? Based on the events in this book, do you think he was right or wrong to keep mortals and immortals apart?

10. If you had Living Blood, would you share it with the world? At what price? What precautions would you take?

11. What are the Shadows?

12. Do you believe the Living Blood is really the blood of Christ, or is that a story Khaldun has made up? Why might he lie?

13. What is the role of fate and destiny in this story regarding Lucas? Jessica? Fana?

14. What do you think Fana will be like in the future?

(Questions from

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