

The Longest Road
A.S. Thompson, 2012
Bradley Publishings
365 pp.
ISBN-13: 1938076168

Join Steve, Collin, Alex, Billy and Mike. A group of cousins surviving through the aftermath of a pandemic infection of unknown origin. Once contracted, the disease is irreversibly fatal, but its victims don't stay dead for long. Eventually the dead return to life, but all elements of humanity are replaced by ravenous cannibalistic tendencies.

After fleeing their homes in up-state New York, the cousins take to the safety of the road, where they travel west-bound to the rumored "safe-zone" of California. Every day is a fight to stay alive; whether scavenging for essentials or engaging in nerve-racking battles with the relentless undead. Every stop they make is filled with surprises, twists and turns as their lives are now a roller-coaster being driven by hope and shadowed by despair.

Feel their heartache. Experience their triumphs. Follow them as they journey across the wasteland that was once the United States. Ride alongside this family as they search for safety on The Longest Road. (From the publisher.)

Author Bio
Growing up in southern California, A.S. Thompson has always loved entertainment. So, after receiving his bachelor’s in communications, he decided to follow that love and has since gone on to explore the diversity of the entertainment industry. He has spent countless hours in music studios and worked on set and behind the scenes at TV and film production companies, searching for the right career. But when it’s time to relax, you can find him at a music venue checking out a his favorite bands, at the movies seeing a new release or at home catching up on his DVR.

A.S. has always been a creative individual. He plays multiple instruments, has written and recorded dozens of songs and performed live on stage in front of hundreds of screaming fans (well maybe not hundreds). Whenever possible, he enjoys writing and filming movies and helping friends out with their projects. He’s also the type of guy who’s always looking for something new; the next big adventure. Whether it’s learning a new skill like karate, pursuing a new hobby like becoming a pilot, or, if he could, spend his life traveling the world.

In a screen writing class in college he discovered a new passion-writing. When it comes to writing music, books or film, he is always looking for originality, that new sound or idea that is going to set himself apart. His first book, The Longest Road, was created out of his love for the horror genre. To him, there’s nothing like the suspense and thrill of reading a horror novel or watching a scary movie.... The heart pounding, the spine tingling, and that part in the back of your head that wonders what will happen next. (From the publisher.)

Book Reviews
(No mainstream press reviews have been posted online for this book. See Amazon and Barnes & Noble for helpful customer reviews.)

Discussion Questions
1. Were the main characters’ actions/relationships/decisions believable?

2. What did you think about the author’s language and writing style?

3. Was the author fairly descriptive?

4. How was the plot? What was unique about it? Was it a stimulating, page-turner?

5. What are some of the major themes of the book? In your opinion, did the author effectively develop these?

6. Describe the setting(s) and tone of the book.

7. How do you feel about the ending?

8. What else struck you about the book? What did you like/not like about the story?

9. Would you recommend this book? Why/why not?
(Questions provided by author.)

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