

Book Reviews
Upon graduating from high school, Theodora “Teddi” Overman leaves her childhood home in rural Kentucky to pursue her passion for restoring old furniture.... One item from her past, however, continues to haunt her: the still-unexplained disappearance of her brother, Josh.... Though readers may question certain plot turns, these less plausible moments won’t detract too much from the enjoyment to be found in Teddi’s story.
Publishers Weekly

Hoffman has a good ear for dialogue, and Teddie and her friends are realistic, appealing characters. Perfect for fans of family-centered women’s fiction, this book will have special appeal to readers interested in antiques and 'shabby chic' style.

Self-taught furniture restorer and successful business owner Teddi Overman has built a good life. Yet a mystery from her past lingers.... Just as love begins to nudge at the edges of Teddi's life, she is forced to reckon with [her brother] Josh's disappearance and her mother's dashed expectations. Hoffman's...novel confusingly mingles a charming Southern-girl romance with a weighty mystery. The romance resolves predictably, yet the mystery leaves far too many loose threads.
Kirkus Reviews