

Discussion Questions
We'll add publisher questions if and when they're available; meanwhile, use our LitLovers talking points to help start a discussion for Made for Love … then take off on your own:

1. Absurd is a word frequently used to describe Alissa Nutting's novel. Talk about the plot or character elements you find absurd. Consider the difference between the absurd and general humor. Why might a author turn to absurdity? For laughs? Anything else?

2. Okay… Jason's sex doll—what about it? How does the doll fit, say, thematically, into a novel concerned with the impact of high technology on life? (Btw, have you ever seen Ryan Gossling's 2007 film, Lars and the Real Girl. If so how does this compare?)

3. Describe Hazel. Is she a typical modern day heroine (accomplished, independent) …or sort of a parody of one. Talk about her upbringing (including the dreams about one of her teacher's tirades). Do you root for Hazel …or become impatient with her? Or what?

4. Then there is Byron Gogol. First of all, consider his last name and how the author might be having fun with us. Talk also about Gogol Industries and what it represents for society.

5. Is Jasper a feminist? Discuss!

6. Rachel compares love with starving: "when people are really hungry they will be driven to eat the inedible." Same with love. Do you agree with her assessment?

7. Follow-up to Question XX: consider that in Nutting's world, people would actually prefer the "non-edible" or non-lovable. They use stand-ins for human lovers: sex dolls, flamingos, dolphins. Why?

8. As Hazel and Byron's courtship plays out, do you see parallels with Fifty Shades of Grey? What is the author mocking?

9. Mrs. Cheese tells Hazel toward the end of the book, "I hope you win your soul back in a bet or something." Why does she say this? By the end, is there any redemption, especially for Hazel?

10. How did you experience the book? Did you find it funny, hilarious...or not? Did you have affection for the characters and their many foibles...or not? Were you satisfied with the outcome...or not?

(Questions by LitLovers. Please feel free to use them, online or off, with attribution. Thanks.)

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