

Discussion Questions
1. MToG is a sequel. Could it stand on its own or does it need the Shield of the Palidine to be complete? Do you like series better? Why/why not?

2. Illieya is an intellectual with disdain for those around her that aren’t as well read. Why do you think she was this way? Would the story have been better or worse if Illieya had been more like her brother?

3. Zeus tortures the three teenagers for information on the portal stone and Chace’s inexplicable ability to survive. What was your reaction to this torture? Was it needed? Did it set the stage properly or go to far?

4. What did you think of the ensemble cast of characters? Did they overwhelm you or add fun and flavor? And you imagine a pixie and a giant having a conversation?

5. Is it possible to lose your love like Pierre and Elise did yet find it again? Were you cheering for them or wondering if separation would be best? Would you want to take romance advice from all the male creatures like Pierre tried to?

6. The author really went back and forth between Illieya ending up with Latar or with Chace. Did she make the right decision to have her end up with the other human? Was it right for Elam to end up with Selene? She waited for him for five years until he turned 18. Is this realistic?

7. As the battle in Edessa unfolded, when Chace took off his helmet, was he giving Zeus the middle finger or trying to say something else? What did Elam's comments in French to Zeus portray?

8. Did you find the ending with the female witch taking Zeus's place interesting?  How should that play into a future book?
(Questions courtesy of the author.)

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