

Discussion Questions
1. Who was the "victim" in this story? Discuss.

2. What do you think of the Doctor? Was he negligent in his duties, or was he constrained by the medical knowledge at the time?

3.  Everyone had their own reasons for their actions in the novel. Do you think they were all justified?

4. The girl on the road. Discuss.

5. Was Anne wrong in what she did? Legally, morally, ethically? Or did she simply defend herself in an untenable position?

6. This is a story that would never work in the 21st century. Do you think we have a better quality of life, and rights, now as opposed to then?

7. Do you think postnatal depression is an "excuse," or a real medical condition? What do you think should be the treatment of women suffering from it now, who are a danger either to themselves, or others?

8. Do you have any questions of your own that have been raised by the reading of this story?
(Questions provided courtesy of the author.)

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