

Discussion Questions
1. Having read A Medical Affair, do you believe, given the imbalance of power in the doctor-patient relationship, that it is ever possible for a patient to have a consensual affair with her doctor?

2.  As you read the back story, you learn that Heather Morrison came from a dysfunctional family of origin and was sexually abused as a child.  Do you think these facts contributed to her having been unable to resist the advances of Dr. Jeffrey Davis?

3. Do you think Hope for Children Adoption Agency should have allowed Heather to adopt Lin despite what they learned about her when she went to China?

4. Heather quickly develops serious addictions to prescription drugs during her affair with Jeff.  Do you think her stay at a rehabilitation facility will enable her to overcome her dependency and move forward in her life as a single mother?

5. Heather’s friendships with Trista and Miguel are a large part of her support system.  Do you think the portrayal of these friendships was realistic?  How do they compare with your own friendships?

6. Heather showed tremendous strength when she reported Jeff to the Office of Professional Medical Conduct and initiated a law suit against him.  Would most women find the strength to go after a predator the way Heather did?  Would you?
(Questions provided courtesy of the author.)

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