

Author Bio
Birth—ca. 1947
Where—England, UK
Education—B.A., Brimingham University; Ph.D., Oxford Brookes (in progress)
Currently—lives in Oxfordshire, England

Anne Youngson worked for 30 years at major car company, the one that produced Austin, Morris, and Land Rover vehicles. She entered industry after studying English at the University of Birmingham: although she hoped one day to become a writer, she turned to industry first because that was where the jobs were. Working in product development—where the next line-up of vehicles was shaped—she quickly attained management level, running teams of engineers and designers.

In the early 1980s, Youngson was one of the first women in management to take maternity leave (Britain had just passed statutory maternity legislation). She gave birth to a daughter and later a son.

Then at 56 she took retirement—starting life anew. She enrolled in a two-year undergraduate diploma in creative writing at Oxford University, trying out a wide range of genres: from poems to plays and short fiction.

She followed this with a Ph.D. at Oxford Brookes, which is where she began work on Meet Me at the Museum, at first a short story. After expanding it—by then, to 10,000 words—her tutor introduced her to an agent. In what is every writer's dream come true, a large publisher snapped up the rights within 48 hours of receiving the manuscript.

She has supported many charities in governance roles, including Chair of the Writers in Prison Network, which provided residencies in prisons for writers. She lives in Oxfordshire and is married with two adult children and three grandchildren to date. Meet Me at the Museum, her debut, has been published around the world. (Adapted from various sources on the web.)