

Book Reviews
After a slow start, this spy thriller set in 1938...settles into a lazy pace, as it charts the attempts of two part-time arms serve the Spanish Republic and its beleaguered army while most of the continent has its eye on Berlin.... As usual, Furst manages to capture the fragile, itinerant nature of European life during the interwar period, dropping in hints of the horror to come, but this is one of his less memorable efforts.
Publishers Weekly

(Starred review.) Through multiple novels, Furst has illuminated moments of reluctant courage and desperate love in a world teetering on the edge of destruction. He does so again here, and, as always, he does it exquisitely.... Furst is a master of mood, but, above all, he is able to show how the most personal of emotions—love, especially—drives the actions of men and women caught in a time of peril.