

Discussion Questions
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Also consider these LitLovers talking points to help get a discussion started for The Million Dollar Demise:

1. If you have read the previous two installments in Johnson's Million Dollar series, how does this one stack up? Is it as suspenseful or compelling? Are the characters consistent with their roles in the previous novel(s)?

2. What is Freddy's motive for shooting Nate at the opening of the book? Can Freddy be held blameless for his anger toward Nate?

3. What kind of character is Nate? What drives him? Does this man have any redeeming qualities? What is it that makes scoundrels appealing—either as real life individuals or as fictional characters?

4. What about Monica? How do you feel about her reconciliation with Nate?

5. How does it happen that Lewis agrees to help Nate find Freddy and Nate's son Nathaniel? Is Lewis nuts?!

6. What about Daphne Coleman? What is her stake in all of this?

7. Is there any kind of future for Freddy and Joni? What kind of parents would they make?

8. Were you surprised by the ending? Are you satisfied with how the book ends—does The Million Dollar Demise deliver for you—in terms of page-turning suspense and narrative power?

9. It looks as if Johnson is setting readers up for another installment in his series. Want to try to guess what shape it might take?

10. Deception and betrayal are at the heart of this book. Is this the way the real world works? In other words, is this book a depiction of life?

11. Finally, does anyone in this book/series have a redeeming quality? Which characters, if any, do you find sympathetic? Anyone you find yourself rooting for? If you had to choose one character, who you would want to find in your own life?

(Questions by LitLovers. Please feel free to use them, online or off, with attribution. Thanks.)

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